Everything we do here at TotalTek is done so with the utmost passion - our charity events being no exception. Philanthropy is built into our company’s fiber, and is the first step in carrying out our core value of improving lives. Each and every year, TotalTek hosts a charity golf event to raise money for an organization of choice. This year, TotalTek chose to hold the event in support of Harlowe Grabczyk-Ilse in her fight against Late Infantile Batten Disease, as well as pay tribute to our very own Ryan Hohm, who passed away earlier this year.
With a total of 88 golfers, 12 volunteers and countless donors, TotalTek was able to raise $52,000 between our GoFundMe page, 29-item silent auction, cash donations, and sale of tickets for entry in prize giveaways.
TotalTek is so honored to be able to know, support, and honor such amazing individuals like Harlowe and Ryan, and extend a huge thank you to everyone who organized, donated, and participated in the event.