How Can a Python Developer Make Themselves Irresistible to an Employer?

The Answer Is in the Mirror
Searching for Python Developer jobs today is a challenge that takes commitment. Despite the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasting a healthy and much faster than average job outlook of 22% from 2019 to 2029, competition remains fierce.
U.S. unemployment rates, while steadying to 6.7% in November 2020, are causing congestion in the recruitment process, and recruiters are struggling to identify the true talent among the masses. The best Python Developers are fighting for attention.
So how do you get to the front line of the recruitment process? How can you filter yourself to the top and make yourself irresistible to an employer?
You are the answer. In this article, you’ll discover why.
Know Your Worth
To approach your python developer job search head on, you should look at yourself as a brand. You should view yourself as a business, with a vision and mission. Your values are your selling point, just as much as the tangible qualities that you offer.
A business only ever portrays the best version of itself. And this is exactly how you should tackle your job search, from looking for positions to provide your skills to, to pitching your resume, right through to the interview.
Identify what it is that you do differently – what makes you stand out from the masses. What you bring to the table that an employer needs and will love.
Start with Your Online Persona
With your mindset straight, it’s time to head to where recruiters do most of their research.
You see, a resume is important to get right, but recruiters know that resumes can often portray a very modified version of the real candidate. So, they investigate.
And here lies your advantage, where so many candidates let themselves down with negatively impacting posts and material.
Follow these pointers to make sure you’re presenting perfectly online:
- NEVER post anything you’ll be professionally embarrassed about. Something you’ve shared may be humorous to friends, but view it from an employer’s perspective. Before you post, share, or comment on anything, stop and think. It’s often not worth the giggle or rant.
- Search your own name. What comes up? Start perfecting your online brand. If there are many other similar names, personalize yours to make you more searchable – perhaps by adding a middle name or initial.
- Start connecting professionally, with positive comments, shares, and online support. This will broaden your network and you’ll learn more along the way.
- Consider starting a blog for professional content, findings, experiences, and research.
Invest in Yourself
Commit time to improving who you are as a professional:
- Regularly review and update your resume. Treat it as your badge of honor, advertising your achievements and abilities. And most importantly, give it the personal touch to every application. It’s going to take time, but it won’t go unnoticed.
- Advance your abilities. Never sit still on what you already know. Take qualifications that would benefit your career or personal development. It’ll be more to add to your glittering resume, and employers will be quick to identify your determination and self-motivation to continually learn and develop.
- Only ever apply yourself to Python Developer jobs that uniquely suit you. A good company doesn’t simply spread its business to everyone. It targets those who need it. You should approach your job search in the same way, and add value to your applications.
- Spend time researching who you’ve applied for. Get to know where they’re heading and what their values are. Figure out how you will fit in with them, so that you can head into the interview room knowing exactly why you’d be a perfect match.
Add the Shine to Your Brand
With all the core selling points in place, it’s time to lace your persona with appeal:
- Be who you say you are. If your resume says you cope well with pressure, but you appear clammy and uncomfortable in interview, your entire resume will lose credibility.
- Lose the arrogance. Of course, you’re confident in your ability. But you’re also keen to get along with your colleagues, and have a mature approach to your awareness in learning and taking instruction and due criticism.
- Bring the enthusiasm. No business thrives on negativity, and neither will you. Employers will find your uplifting spirit infectious, and will be keen to welcome your positivity onboard.
Summing Up
Of course, employers recruiting for Python Developers require technical ability. Most candidates will have this on their resume. Putting some punch in how you present on paper, online, and in person will leave an employer reaching for the pen to grab your signature.
If you’re ready to bring some fresh air into your job search and our clients’ search for the best Python Developers, contact TotalTek now.